Today I wanted to share a few pictures I took of the reindeer I saw the other day! Every year, a local garden centre has reindeer visit at Christmas, and every year I miss it, someone will say "Oh, the reindeer were here the other day," and I always vow to go the next year (We all know that I'm a child about Christmas, right? Good). But this year, thanks to my lovely friend Nicki, I did get to go! And they were so cute. I'd love to see them in snowy Scotland or somewhere pretty like that! Maybe next year ;)

This little fellow was probably my favourite, he looked a bit bedraggled and spent most of the time sitting on the ground with his hooves tucked up (which is exactly what I'd be doing if I was a reindeer!)

Look! How can you resist that face? Obviously Santa's favourite.
I'm visiting the Winchester Christmas Market this weekend, which I am ridiculously excited about, for a number of different reasons, photos and general enthusiasm to follow! (Probably tomorrow, the moment I get in the front door!) Hope you're having a lovely weekend! Axx
aaaaaah so cute!! I love their little noses <3