These little ornaments are simple to make, look great hanging on your tree and best of all, are perfect for using up any scraps of felt you've got lying around! It's a perfect family project.

To make a stocking, you will need:
Felt - A piece large enough to cut two (approximately 15cmx10cm stocking shapes), and scraps in whatever colours match your theme.
Embroidery floss and a needle.
A little bit of ribbon or ricrac, to use as a hanger.
Fabric glue (optional).

1. Draw a stocking shape on the back of your piece of felt (you can use a paper template to make it a bit easier), cut two.
2. Using your felt scraps, cut shapes to decorate your stocking with. Stripes, spots or Holly leaves if you're feeling ambitious!

3. Arrange your shapes on your stocking - I've just decorated the front (because I'm lazy short of time), and stitch them on using embroidery floss. You can fabric glue them, but I think stitching looks prettier.

4. Cut a short length of ribbon or ricrac and stitch a little loop to the top of your stocking, so you can hang it on the tree.

5. Using blanket stitch, sew the front and back of your stocking together.

6. I've made a little 'cuff' for the top of my stocking, which is perfect for hiding the beginning/end of your blanket stitching, and the bottom of your ribbon loop. I've attached mine with fabric glue, but if you want to sew it, it's probably easiest to attach it before you sew the front and back pieces together.
7. Voila! Add a candy cane and hang up for Christmas!

Why not use sequins or buttons, for a little bit of extra Christmas sparkle?! Or make a bigger version to leave out on Christmas Eve :)
I'm very excited to be spending this weekend in Winchester with one of my favourite people and getting generally carried away with the festivities! Keep up with my over excitement on instagram (@amyflorence) :)

Why not use sequins or buttons, for a little bit of extra Christmas sparkle?! Or make a bigger version to leave out on Christmas Eve :)
I'm very excited to be spending this weekend in Winchester with one of my favourite people and getting generally carried away with the festivities! Keep up with my over excitement on instagram (@amyflorence) :)
super cute!