
Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Art School Applications:: LCC Open Day

Happy Daisy art school life
Today I went to an open day at the London College of Communication (LCC). It's a college in the University of the Arts London (UAL), like my previous art school (Wimbledon College of Art). Now, I don't really like open days, students terrify me - they're so confident and individual, which makes me feel even more shy and awkward than I am normally! But this one wasn't really like that. I'd been to LCC once before, for a student night back when I started Foundation (it was a first and last attempt at University lifestyle! I am so not a party girl!), and it's big and white and modern. Unlike the part of London it's situated in, which, at best, can be described as 'full of character'. (Honesty moment - I applied to my previous universities primarily on their location - I wanted to be by the sea, and I wanted to get as far away from home as I could, as quickly as possible! So this is a complete U-turn for me)

I'm going to be applying for BA (Hons) Illustration and Visual Media and after listening to the subject talk, it looks like the perfect course for me. It's very ideas and development based, with messy sketchbooks and lots of experimentation, unlike some of the more graphic courses, where all the work is very polished and complete. Another good thing is the college is well known for it's typography based work, which is fabulous - I'm falling more in love with text everyday! The course director said students needed to be self motivated and have a strong work ethic, which I think applies to me... -mental note, must work harder, just in case- 

We went on a student-lead tour, and the facilities are amazing! Enormous screen printing and letterpress studios, photography studios and a darkroom... Our guide said hardly anyone made use of them(?!?!) which is crazy in my opinion, if I get in, they're going to have to try to keep me away! It was so nice to be back in an art-school environment, I had both good and bad experiences at Wimbledon, but I'm longing to back in education, sorry working-adult-world, you're just not for me! It'll be nice to have the chance to do printmaking again, and to be surrounded by likeminded and inspirational arty people. 

Also - fun fact about LCC, Rob Ryan and Alexander Mcqueen both studied there! 

It's been a good day, I think we must have spent nearly four hours on buses though, and I'm feeling pretty tired now! I'm excited to see Camberwell College of Arts (where two of my close friends go, so it's already been highly recommended!) and Winchester School of Art, in December! 

Right, I'm going to get cracking on my portfolio, while I'm still feeling inspired! And maybe my personal statement, just maybe... ;)

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