
Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Knitting Adventures - Giving handmade

Happy Daisy Knitting
Now it's January, it's safe to share some of the things I made for people this Christmas (or last Christmas?)... I thought it'd be a good idea to knit everyone something, and I started off being really organised - I made the first pair of socks back in August, while I was cat-sitting for my friend, and watching the London Riots on the telly. 
Happy Daisy Knitting
Unfortunately it went downhill rather fast, as work and life started to get in the way. I can knit a sock in a day, if that's all I do that day, but it's rare to find empty days perfect for knitting when you're working night shifts, or applying to art school or just living life! It took a long time, and I was knitting right up until December 22nd, but I finished them! These are photos of socks I knitted, all with pretty, variegated yarns...
Happy Daisy Knitting
Happy Daisy Knitting

In total, I knitted:
- four pairs of socks
- a pair of Christmas stockings
- two scarves
- two pairs of mittens
- and a hat.
It doesn't sound like a lot when it's written down, but it certainly felt like a lot at the time! 
Happy Daisy Knitting
I'm pretty proud of them, and I think they were well received, but I don't think I'll be doing it again this year! I'm looking forward to knitting some things for myself now! Haha :)


  1. that IS a lot! you did amazing. And those socks are sooooo pretty. :]

  2. Sweet. My 'scarf' is still in its beginning stages, haven't picked it up this year, YET. Love the colours of the yarn.



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