someone got a bit carried away with her new catnip mouse on New Years Eve...
This year is for later evenings and louder music and drawing more. I am going to try harder to embrace change with open arms and panic a little bit less. I shall wear more paper crowns and style my hair more often. I want to go camping in the summer and I'm going to apply to university. I want to make my own clothes and knit my own jumpers. I want to be a better granddaughter and a better penpal. I want to spend less time online and more time living life. I am going to take more photos and continue my love affair with film. This year will be full of tea lights and wild flowers and home baking and country music. I am going to say yes more. I want to finish more projects than I abandon. I want to go to music festivals and stand in fields not wearing shoes. I want to spend wet afternoons making things with my friends. I'll scrapbook more and make mix CDs. I still want to learn to Charleston and go to the roller disco, so maybe I'll do that this year too. I'd like to eat a few less cakes, but more importantly, I want to smile when I see myself in the mirror. I want to have hair-dye adventures and tie-dye adventures and learn to crochet. I'd like to learn to drive and get a car with a bicycle rack. I want to grow vegetables and spend less pennies on frivolities. I want to sell things at car boot sales. I want to visit friends I haven't seen in far too long. I want to buy a record player and stay up drawing and listening to vinyl. I'd like to adopt a pet rabbit and keep it in my bedroom. I'd like to got to Scotland and Cornwall and the Lake District but one out of the three would be enough for me. I want to love more and cry less. I am going to be proactive and productive. I'm going to sleep less and do more. 2012 is my year.
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