
Thursday, 8 August 2013

Show & Tell: Stocking Stitch and Fabric Yarn

Happy Daisy Amy Edwards Green Show And Tell
Welcome to Show & Tell, a new feature designed to inspire me to share more of my little creations and things I've stumbled upon.

I made a trivet out of scrap fabric yarn last week - whether I'll actually use it for putting underneath hot pans, or just hang it on the back of my kitchen door to brighten up the room, remains to be seen! I picked up the cup and saucer in a charity shop near my parents - lured in by the gorgeous colour and the pattern - it's so obviously stocking stitch and as a knitter, I wasn't about to pass that up!
Happy Daisy Amy Edwards Green Show And Tell
Perfect for drinking hot chocolate and marshmallows out of, on cold winter's nights, which I cannot wait for. I'm not cut out for the hot summer weather we've been having. I'm looking forward to Autumn and blankets and hot water bottles.

A ♥

1 comment:

  1. LOVE LOVE LOVE The dainty cup and your trivet is so beautiful! Really love the colours! <3


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