
Friday, 9 August 2013

My Week In Pictures #74

Happy Daisy My Week In Pictures Amy Edwards Green
Happy Daisy My Week In Pictures Amy Edwards Green
Rain on the windows and a close up of my fabric yarn trivet.
Happy Daisy My Week In Pictures Amy Edwards Green
Happy Daisy My Week In Pictures Amy Edwards Green
Watercolour painting and knitting with my favourite lady
Happy Daisy My Week In Pictures Amy Edwards Green
Happy Daisy My Week In Pictures Amy Edwards Green
Working on several new projects - another patchwork quilt and easing my way back into crochet with a few granny squares.
Happy Daisy My Week In Pictures Amy Edwards Green
Happy Daisy My Week In Pictures Amy Edwards Green
Catching up and taking photographs with another favourite face and photographing artwork on the sunny yellow walls of my flat.
Happy Daisy My Week In Pictures Amy Edwards Green
Happy Daisy My Week In Pictures Amy Edwards Green
Drawing in the pub and paint streaks in my hair*.

It's been a week of catching up with people, which has been lovely but busy. I'm looking forward to spending some time at home, because I'm essentially a homebody ;)

A ♥

*I have washed my hair several times since I last painted anything - but it still won't come out! Ridiculous.

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