Finally getting around to sharing photos of my magical finished bearface jumper. Otherwise known as the jumper I knitted in a week, which I consider to be a pretty sizeable achievement! Have a look at the work-in-progress photos here.
Made using the Oh My Bear pattern from Tiny Owl Knits - it was pretty straightforward to knit - even though I'm a bit of a novice when it comes to intarsia colourwork. More importantly, it's unbelievably cosy, as only 100% wool jumpers are!
I'm looking forward to wearing it all Winter!
A ♥
ps. yep, my hair is every shade of brown right now.
Oh my, that is so cute! I love the ears. I can't believe you did that in a week!
ReplyDeleteA WEEK?! Fair dues Amy!! That jumper is just fabulous, so so pretty. I wish I could knit for beautiful jumpers like this!x