
Friday, 2 August 2013

My Week In Pictures #73

Happy Daisy My Week In Pictures Amy Edwards Green
Every time I walk along the river, it rains. This time was no exception.
Happy Daisy My Week In Pictures Amy Edwards Green
Happy Daisy My Week In Pictures Amy Edwards Green
Finishing up my weaving and rearranging my bedroom wall art.
Happy Daisy My Week In Pictures Amy Edwards Green
Happy Daisy My Week In Pictures Amy Edwards Green
Working on my watercolour skills and practising fashion illustration.
Happy Daisy My Week In Pictures Amy Edwards Green
Happy Daisy My Week In Pictures Amy Edwards Green
Drinking the least satisfying Starbucks drink with Emma.
Happy Daisy My Week In Pictures Amy Edwards Green
Adding a sparkle effect edge to a cheapy lampshade (unfortunately I can't share the photographs of the finished shade, as I've accidentally and temporarily broken the light fitting it's attached to…).

I'm not entirely sure where this week's gone. I've spent most of it painting my flat and working on small DIY projects around the place. Keeping busy.

A ♥

1 comment:

  1. Your week looks so calm and creative! :)
    - Becky xox


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