
Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Make It Yourself: Peg Magnets

Happy Daisy DIY
This doesn't really classify as a DIY, as it's so simple! But I was really pleased with how it turned out, so I thought I'd share anyway, even if it is pretty self explanatory, they might inspire you to organise your fridge door!
Happy Daisy DIY
You will need: 
Wooden clothes pegs,
Acrylic paint,
Letter stamps and an ink pad (you could handwrite your labels if you prefer),
Magnets - I used self adhesive magnetic tape, cut into strips, it's thin, therefore the pegs sit pretty flush to the fridge.
Happy Daisy DIY
Happy Daisy DIY
Happy Daisy DIY
Happy Daisy DIY
Happy Daisy DIY
I'm thinking of making one for each of my family members, so we can write lists and notes for each other.
A ♥

1 comment:

  1. I love the idea of putting names on them for personal notes.


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