It's been a while since I've really written anything about what's been happening around these parts, and while nothing earth shattering has happened, I've been keeping busy with craft projects, working new hours at the craft shop and dreaming of Spring!
This is just one of the projects I've been working on...
This is just one of the projects I've been working on...
my 'new' headphones! Seriously cute. I want to wrap rope with embroidery floss in a similar way, and make necklaces.
I saw this DIY on the Free People blog last week and fell head over heels with it's pretty simplicity, and a good few hours of knotting later, and I had a pair of successfully customised headphones! I've never really had a good look at the Free People blog before (I know, shame on me! I did say I was always late to the party!), but since stumbling across a lot of their posts on Pinterest, I had a good read in the early hours of the morning and goodness me, there's some seriously delightful things on there!
Check out some of their other creative projects here.
It's been unseasonably warm here recently, with talk of droughts and hosepipe bans and things, and I know we need rain for the garden, but it is nice to see the sun once in a while, especially after what feels like a very long winter. I've been walking around without shoes and riding my lean green cycling machine to the shops and wearing floaty trousers and flower crowns. I love winter, but I love the potential Spring holds. It makes me crave the country lifestyle even more than usual, but I think it's healthy to have something to aim for, even if it does feel so very out of reach sometimes.
I hope Spring is filling you with hopes and dreams and possibilities. I can't believe this year is nearly a quarter over - time to get back to my New Years Resolutions I think! Haha. A ♥
I hope Spring is filling you with hopes and dreams and possibilities. I can't believe this year is nearly a quarter over - time to get back to my New Years Resolutions I think! Haha. A ♥
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